Are You Committed To Your Personal Brand?
“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”
~Kenneth Blanchard

If you had breakfast this morning, the chicken participated but the pig was committed! Here’s a client’s example of commitment to demonstrating and using his personal brand.

I recently worked with a senior executive in one of the big four financial services firms who was definitely committed. This man has a huge responsibility with deadlines pulling him daily in many directions. Yet from the beginning he took to heart everything he learned in our coaching sessions. Each time we met he made the commitment to complete his action items—which he DID… each and every time. The longer we worked together developing his personal brand, the more he saw benefit both personally and professionally.

Here are a few outcomes of his commitment:

1. He grew his book of business exponentially, using the branding networking tools.

2. He built a stronger reputation in his marketplace.

3. His enthusiasm was commented on by his staff, which helped build a more engaged atmosphere.

4. He learned the benefit of having a strong online brand identification when prospective clients commented on his LinkedIn profile. This often led to business opportunities.

5. He is now one of my strongest brand ambassadors.

What’s the point? We can only grow when we’re willing to dig deep. To maximize your rate of return, it takes maximum commitment. I love working with committed people!